Critical Anabolic Steroid Side Effects You’ll Avoid

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Critical Anabolic Steroid Side Effects You’ll Avoid

An anabolic steroid, better known as an anabolic-androgenic steroid or AAS for short, is a steroidal androgen that is made up of synthetically designed androgens and natural steroid hormones, such as; testosterone or growth hormones.

The synthetically created androgens are made to mimic the properties, qualities, functions, and effects of these natural steroid hormones. Anabolic steroid can and will stimulate protein synthesis within the cells in skeletal muscle tissue which leads to muscle tissue growth and also regrowth.

The first recorded development of AAS was as far back as the mid-1930s. During the second world war it was believed that the Nazis injected their soldiers with anabolic steroids in order to make them more aggressive and fearless in battle.

The use of anabolic steroid in the medical world is quite significant. Anabolic steroid is used in stimulating appetite, and muscle growth, especially in emaciated patients and those suffering from one form of wasting syndrome (for example, cancer and HIV/AIDS) or another.

In young children with hypogonadism (ie. low testosterone levels), anabolic steroid in form of synthetic testosterone is used in testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and to stimulate male puberty.

When it comes to preparing for sporting events like strength and performance-based sports, such as:  bodybuilding, strongman, and powerlifting, AAS can be used in increasing body weight, reducing excess body fat, building lean skeletal muscle mass, and improving overall performance.

Steroids bodybuilding in particular is very popular amongst male and female bodybuilders looking to improve their physique as well as athletic abilities. However, the use of anabolic steroid medicine is not without its side effects.

Though many steroids bodybuilding side effects are reversible (either by reducing steroid dosage or by not using steroids anymore), there are side effects of steroids in bodybuilding that are more severe and potentially fatal.


I. Side Effects of Steroids in Bodybuilding

The short-term use of anabolic steroid injections and/or steroids pills may not lead to any side effects in many bodybuilders. However, the continuous long-term administration or the use of steroid doses that are more than the safe and recommended dose can be a cause for serious health concerns.

AAS can adversely affect all the vital organs of the body including the heart, kidneys, liver, and reproductive organs. The misuse of AAS can cause high blood pressure, thrombosis (i.e. embolism or stroke), and even sudden death from a heart attack.

AAS can negatively affect your body’s cholesterol levels, for example, the long-term administration of AAS can cause your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or “bad cholesterol” to rise while your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or “good cholesterol” will decrease.


The side effects of steroids in bodybuilding may vary from person to person depending on a host of factors. But some of the mild and potentially severe side effects of AAS use in both male and female bodybuilders include:


  • Reproductive side effects:

    These side effects include: testicular atrophy, infertility (reversible), changes in sex drive or libido, and erectile dysfunction.


  • Dermatological side effects:

    These side effects include; oily skin, stretch marks as a result of quick skeletal muscle growth, seborrhea, acne conglobata, and acne vulgaris.


  • Side effects of the Skeletal Muscle (musculoskeletal):

    Some of these side effects include; frequent rupture of the tendon, skeletal muscle hypertrophy, rhabdomyolysis, and skeletal muscle strains.


  • Feminization side effects:

    These are male-specific side effects of anabolic steroid The most common feminization side effects include; gynecomastia, oligospermia, prostate hypertrophy, and priapism.


  • Masculinization:

    These are Female-specific AAS side effects that include; irreversible deep voice, menstrual irregularities, enlargement of the clitoris, hirsutism, uterine atrophy, male pattern baldness, and breast atrophy.


  • Renal side effects:

    Some renal side effects include: renal cell carcinoma, renal hypertrophy, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, acute renal failure, and nephropathy.

  • Cardiovascular side effects:

    Apart from dyslipidemia which is a condition characterised by an adverse change in your cholesterol levels (i.e. higher LDL and lower HDL), other cardiovascular side effects of AAS include; hypertension, atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, left ventricular hypertrophy, polycythemia, and myocardial hypertrophy.


  • Hepatic side effects:

    The long-term administration of hepatotoxic steroids pills (usually 17α-alkylated anabolic steroids) can leave you susceptible to a number of hepatic side effects. Some of these side effects include; jaundice, cholestasis, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatocellular adenoma, and peliosis hepatis.


  • Neurological or Psychiatric side effects:

    Some of these side effects include; irritability, depression, mood swings, anxiety, delusions, aggression, dysphoria, impulsivity, psychosis, mania, and suicidality.


II. 5 Critical Anabolic Steroid Side Effects

Before you navigate the Internet looking for steroids for sale, you need to be wary of the source of the AAS you purchase. Black market anabolic steroids are often adulterated which further increases your vulnerability to severe side effects.

Five (5) critical anabolic steroid side effects that you should be wary of include:


#1. Liver Toxicity:

Many of the steroids for sale purchased from health and fitness shops online are metabolised by the kidneys and liver. Also, many AAS particularly 17α-alkylated anabolic steroids are hepatotoxic in nature and can therefore cause harm to the health of your liver.

Hepatotoxicity is the term used in referring to those AAS that can cause chemically induced-liver injury and/or damage. The use of 17α-alkylated steroids pills without supplementing your usage with liver protection medications like liver protection (Samarin140) can lead to liver damage.

This is especially true if you run long oral steroid cycles rather than short lived oral steroid cycles. Also, where you ignore the importance of post-cycle therapy which helps in stabilising your body from the harmful effects of sustained anabolic steroid use.


#2. Erectile Dysfunction:

This is a reproductive side effect that is also known as impotence. Erctile dysfunction occurs when the male sexual organ (i.e. penis) is unable to become erect during foreplay and/or the penis is unable to maintain an erection for any sustained length of time during sex.

Erectile dysfunction is usually a reversible side effect. Many male bodybuilders who have experienced this medical condition are known to have gained relief some time after they had stopped using anabolic steroid.

However, in some cases, a doctor may recommend the use of Sildenafil which is a PDE5 inhibitor. This drug will help to dilate the blood vessels in the penis which then enables a greater flow of blood into the penis through sponge-like tissues.

Erectile dysfunction may also be an irreversible medical condition that may necessitate the need for the following:

  • The use of vasodilators,
  • using relaxants,
  • Inserting prostaglandin pellets into the urethra,
  • vascular reconstructive surgery,
  • the use of penis pumps, and penile implants.



#3. Roid Rage:

 One neurological side effect of anabolic steroid use is roid rage. This side effect is characterised by a drug-induced overt aggression. Roid rage may lead to a person causing harm to themselves or being violent towards others.

With roid rage, the steroid user doesn’t need to be provoked before overreacting with excessive, over-the-top aggression. Using an anabolic steroid like testosterone enanthate (Test) can make you aggressive, which can be a good thing especially if you want to succeed in your high intensity training and workout programs.

However, when too much Test is used over a short period of time or over an extended length of time and with no regard for post-cycle therapy, then roid rage is one side effect in steroids bodybuilding that becomes inevitable even though it is completely avoidable.


#4. Skin Irritations:

Dermatological side effects of steroid use are quite common amongst male and female bodybuilders. Steroid use can lead to oily skin as the sebaceous glands become hyperactive and release more sebum than normal.

This often leads to the clogging of skin pores and the development of acne vulgaris, as the excess oil mixed with a lot of dead skin cells contrive to clog the skin pores. Skin irritation caused by steroid use also includes:  whiteheads, pimples, and blackheads.

Skin irritation can also be a cause of neurological and psychiatric side effects, such as; depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, mood swings, and suicidality.


#5. Enlarged Organs:

The unusual enlargement of vital organs is a condition known as ‘Organomegaly’. Anabolic steroid use can cause masculinization in female bodybuilders leading to an enlargement of their clitoris which is one form of Organomegaly known as ‘Clitoromegaly’.

Using AAS can also lead to the enlargement of the heart or a medical condition called ‘Cardiomegaly’ while the kidneys and liver (known as hepatomegaly) are also known to be enlarged by steroids.

Hepatomegaly is usually caused by drug-induced hepatitis. This condition may occur when 17α-alkylated steroids pills are recklessly consumed (usually occurs with long oral steroid cycles) with no regard for the use of liver supplements.



III. Conclusion

As you gear up to begin with steroids bodybuilding, it is important to buy your steroids from top online pharmaceutical companies and health/fitness eshops like

On this site, you are sure that the steroids for sale are 100% real with no adulteration or impurities to worry about. Make sure to seek the wise counsel of a seasoned trainer who would advise you on the steroid cycle and dosage that is safe. This way you would be able to avoid the five (5) critical anabolic steroid side effects mentioned in this post.

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