6 things to know before you run a Anavar Cycle

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6 things to know before you run a Anavar Cycle

Anavar cycle is the most common protocol for beginner users. This is a good or wise choice because this steroid compound is less toxic and well-tolerated. Anavar is one of the mildest steroids, but it is the seventh most potent anabolic steroid worldwide when it comes to muscle building. It is one of those rare steroids that female users can use. Anavar for women is widely popular in the fitness and bodybuilding world.

Both male and female users can use Anavar for bulking and cutting purposes. Initially, it was used for medical purposes to treat patients who have osteoporosis, HIV / AIDS, and anaemia. A research study  reveals that Anavar can substantially lower the thyroid-binding globulin and increase thyroxine-binding prealbumin. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 things that you should know before running the Anavar cycle.


#1: What Is Anavar?

Anavar is an anabolic androgenic steroid which is also known as Oxandrolone or Var. It was developed by the pharmaceutical company named G.D Searle & Co. in 1962. Var promotes lean muscle mass to those who suffer from muscle-wasting conditions. The other advantage of Var is that a mild steroid doesn’t cause any severe side effects, so women users can use it to improve their athletic performance.

Anavar or Var is available in oral forms, so people use Anavar pills to improve their muscle mass and athletic performance. You can buy Anavar steroids online  from here. Var is the perfect choice for professional bodybuilders and experts who are looking to increase their muscle mass gain, reduce body fat without any water retention issues.


Anavar extract on sale on Body-building-anabolics


#2: What Are The Effects Of Anavar?

Anavar effects on the human body can be both positive and negative. When you follow the recommended dosage with protection and follow prescribed cycle duration, you will get several advantages and benefits from Anavar, including:

  • Muscle hardening
  • Lean muscle mass gain
  • Strength gain
  • Enhance cardio endurance
  • Increase metabolic rate
  • Diminish muscle fatigue
  • Increase vascularity
  • Eliminate body fat
  • Increase red blood cell count
  • Increase nitrogen retention
  • Excellent in fat burning
  • Lower muscle tiredness
  • Enhance muscle solidity
  • Increase endurance level
  • Increase power, speed, and stamina
  • Improve athletic performance

When you use Anavar’s high dose or long-term use, it may cause several negative side effects. Let’s take a look into that.


#3: What Are The Possible Side Effects Of Anavar?

According to a clinical research study, Anavar long-term use may cause various negative side effects. It is not necessary that you will face all the below side effects because Anavar side effects depend on multiple factors such as Anavar dosage, Anavar cycle duration, your age, and gender. Here are the possible side effects:

  • Liver toxic
  • Acne and oily skin
  • Diarrhoea
  • Loss of libido
  • Headache
  • uppress testosterone level
  • Baldness (Hair Loss)
  • High LDL cholesterol
  • Excessive hair growth in women
  • Deepen voice in women
  • Clitoral enhancement
  • Swelling in the legs and arms

Anavar doesn’t convert into estrogen, so you don’t have to worry about estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia, water retention, bloating, and fluid retention. You can easily avoid all the above side effects if you follow the recommended dosage with protection. Don’t forget to perform the post-cycle therapy at the end of the Var cycle. If you’re searching for the correct Anavar dosage information, keep on reading!


Acne and oily skin


#4: Anavar Dosage Information

Anavar dosage for men and women are different. It also depends on the user’s experience level, whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced user. The typical dose for males users is 10 mg to 100 mg per day. The dose for female users is 2.5 mg to 20mg per day. If you exceed the limit of a higher dose, it is not good for your health.

The ideal Anavar cycle for men is 8 weeks, whereas female users perform a 6 to 8-week Anavar cycle. Anavar is a liver toxic anabolic steroid, so it is essential to use liver protection such as Samarin (liver protection) or LIV-52 during the Var cycle. This supplement helps you to protect your liver from various damage and diseases.


#5: Anavar Cycle Information

People use Anavar as a solo cycle, or you can stack it with other anabolic steroids. Here is the most common recommended cycle for you.

→ Anavar Cycle For Men (Bulking purpose)

Week Anavar
Week 1 50 mg per day
Week 2 70 mg per day
Week 3 80 mg per day
Week 4-7 100 mg per day
Week 8 80 mg per day

→ Anavar Cycle For Women (Bulking purpose)

Week Anavar
Week 1 5 mg per day
Week 2 10 mg per day
Week 3 10 mg per day
Week 4 10 mg per day
Week 5 10 mg per day

→ Anavar Cycle For Men (Cutting purpose)

Week Anavar Dosage
Week 1 20 mg per day
Week 2 30 mg per day
Week 3 40 mg per day
Week 4 50 mg per day
Week 5 60 mg per day
Week 6 60 mg per day
Week 7 50 mg per day
Week 8 40 mg per day

→ Anavar Cycle For Women (Cutting purpose)

Week Anavar Dosage
Week 1 2.5 mg per day
Week 2 5 mg per day
Week 3 5 mg per day
Week 4 10 mg per day
Week 5 5 mg per day
Week 6 15 mg per day
Week 7 15 mg per day
Week 8 10 mg per day
  • Anavar And Testosterone Enanthate Stack Cycle

Week Anavar Testosterone Enanthate
Week 1 30 to 50 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 2 30 to 50 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 3 30 to 50 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 4 30 to 50 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 5 30 to 50 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 6 30 to 50 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 7 30 to 50 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 8 30 to 50 mg per day 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 9 300 to 500 mg per week
Week 10 300 to 500 mg per week
Pack strength Test P / Anavar – 6 weeks – Dragon Pharma


  • Anavar And Anadrol Stack Cycle

Week Anavar Anadrol
Week 1 20 mg per day 240 mg per day
Week 2 20 mg per day 240 mg per day
Week 3 20 mg per day 240 mg per day
Week 4 20 mg per day 240 mg per day
Week 5 20 mg per day 280 mg per day
Week 6 20 mg per day 280 mg per day
Week 7 20 mg per day 280 mg per day
Week 8 20 mg per day 280 mg per day
  • Anavar And Clenbuterol Stack Cycle

Week Anavar Clenbuterol
Week 1 10 mg per day 20 mcg per day
Week 2-3 10 mg per day 40 mcg per day
Week 4-6 10 mg per day 60 mcg per day
Week 7-8 10 mg per day 80 mcg per day


#6: Anavar Post Cycle Therapy

When you consume Anavar, it will suppress or stop the natural production of testosterone. So, it is mandatory to perform the post-cycle therapy after the end of the Anavar cycle. You can perform the PCT cycle as below:

Week Clomid Nolvadex
Week 1 50 mg per day 40 mg per day
Week 2 75 mg per day 30 mg per day
Week 3 50 mg per day 20 mg per day
Week 4 40-20 mg per day 10 mg per day

Note: Anavar PCT cycle is required when you stack it with other anabolic steroids. When users use 80 mg per day Anavar, they don’t require to perform the PCT cycle.



Anavar is an anabolic androgenic steroid that is used for bulking and cutting cycles. It is also known as Var or Oxandrolone. It is the best choice for beginners. Remember, a proper diet, nutrition, and training workout play a vital role in getting effective results. You should avoid high dose and long-term use of Anavar because it may cause various adverse side effects.

The above article discussed the Anavar solo and Anavar stack cycle, which give more effective results in bulking and cutting purposes. If you still need any advice from our coaching experts, kindly contact us anytime.

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