The Best Steroid Stack for Begginers

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The Best Steroid Stack for Begginers

Millions of people are using steroids worldwide. According to this study, approximately three to four million Americans use anabolic steroids to increase their muscle mass or improve their performance level, whether for sports or any other cosmetic purpose like to improve their physical appearance. ‘Steroids’ is the popular term used for anabolic steroids, and there are also some common names such as Roids, Juice, Gear, Stackers, and Andro.

A lack of knowledge while using anabolic steroids significantly increases the severe health risks, or it can be dangerous. High doses or choosing the wrong steroids are common mistakes done among beginners. It is more dangerous for a newbie as their bodies don’t have a chance to tolerate these compounds. In this article, we will explain the safest steroids for beginners and help them to minimize the side effects experienced during their first steroid cycle.


Bulking Or Stacking

Bodybuilders or athletes use anabolic steroids to improve their physical appearance and improve performance levels. For beginners, they need to get precise information of which steroids they are stacking and what results they will get at the end of the day. To gain weight, you need to select the right compounds and buy them for bulking programs that encourage your muscle development. Similarly, when you are looking for weight loss, you need to buy steroids for a cutting stack.

Each steroid has different pros & cons, their usage, dosage cycle, cycle duration, etc. You need to select the steroid as per your requirements, and you need to define your purpose of using steroids. This can help you to select the right steroids for your desired outcomes. It is easier to gain weight than to lose weight because you can quickly add extra pounds without trying but to lose weight, you need to work harder and put in the extra effort.


Benefits of Anabolic Steroids

The proper use of anabolic steroids gives incredible results in terms of bodybuilding. People use steroids to get several benefits including:

  • Increase muscle mass
  • Improve performance level
  • Increase energy level
  • Sex enhancement
  • Improve strength and stamina
  • Improve endurance level
  • Faster recovery from injuries
  • Increase red blood cells count
The effects of anabolic steroids: Bulking, cutting, Strength

Best Steroids For Cutting Cycle

A cutting cycle is used for trimming and slimming down the excess to burn your body fat while retaining muscle mass. Steroids cutting cycle improve the fat burning process and add lean muscle without any water retention. You can choose the right steroids such as Winstrol, Anavar, and Trenbolone for the cutting cycle. When bodybuilders are seeking to loss their weight’ they need to follow the recommended dosage cycle as below:

WeekWinstrol (Injection)Primobolan DepotClenbuterol
1 to 10100 mg every other day200mg/week140mcg/day

#1: Winstrol (Stanozolol) Cutting Cycle

Winstrol cutting cycle  is the best option to lose weight and to burn body fats. Many athletes and celebrities use Winstrol or Stanozolol to lose weight. When you are performing a cutting cycle, you need to ensure and eat food to avoid your starving. If you choose Winstrol, you need to take 8 to 10mg per day for six weeks. This dosage will give fewer side effects. You can also combine these compounds with Clenbuterol, Trenbolone, and Anavar to avoid several side effects.

Pack Winstrol from Dragon Pharma, available at Body Building Anabolics

#2: Winstrol and Primobolan Or Clenbuterol Cycle

To lose your body weight, Winstrol can be stacked with other steroids such as Primoloblan or Clenbuterol. You can use 100mg injection per day for ten weeks. If you are stacking them with Primobolan depot, you can use 200mg/week. And for Clenbuterol, 140mcg/day. These cycle doses will give you the best results in weight loss. You can also perform post-cycle therapy at the end of the cycle to get better results with no or fewer side effects. here is the best dosage cycle for cutting:

1 to 660mg/day30mg/day (Only 1 to 4 weeks)140mcg/day2pills/day


Best Steroids Stack for Bulking Cycle

When you want to gain muscle mass in a short time, you will need to go for steroid bulking stack cycles. The top products such as Dianabol, Anadrol, Deca Durabolin, Testosterone Enanthate, and other steroids can lead to weight gain. You can use this drug’s bulking cycle in two different ways, such as you can stack as much as to grow muscle mass, and you can stack them to create lean muscle, maintain that mass and lean mass without any water retention.
Here are the best steroids stack cycles for beginners:

#1: Testosterone Stacks

When you use testosterone to increase your workout routine and improve muscle mass, it will give you the best results in bigger and stronger muscle growth. A high testosterone level can give you the best results; it promotes muscle development and increases your strength and energy level to do more workout and help you to get desirable outcomes. You can use these drugs alone, or you can combine them with other anabolic steroids to get the best outcomes. The right stacking methods of testosterone with workout and proper diet can help you to achieve your desirable results.

Deca Durabolin  and Testosterone Enanthate
  • Testosterone And Deca Durabolin Stack Cycle

Testosterone and Deca is one of the most popular stacking cycles that are used. Testosterone and Deca stacking will improve your muscle growth and strength. Testosterone will help you to reduce some side effects of Deca, such as low libido and erectile dysfunction. The adverse side effects such as the decompositions of DHT levels may occur. It can counteract testosterone, as it is androgenic and enhances sexual well-being efficiency during a decay cycle. Deca is not estrogenic and has no chance of gynecomastia for this stack. Here is the best stacking steroids cycle example of Winstrol bulking cycle:

WeekWinstrolDeca DurabolinTestosterone
1 to 10100 mg per day200 mg per day500 mg per week
10 to 12500 mg per week

Bulking cycle of Winstrol with Dianabol or Anadrol, you can’t take them for more than four weeks; because they may harm your liver. Bulking Cycle of Winstrol With Dianabol And Anavar is as below:

1100 mg per day40 mg per day20-30 mcg per day
2100 mg per day50 mg per day20-30 mcg per day
3100 mg per day60 mg per day20-30 mcg per day
4100 mg per day70 mg per day20-30 mcg per day
5100 mg per day80 mg per day20-30 mcg per day
6100 mg per day80 mg per day20-30 mcg per day
7100 mg per day70 mg per day20-30 mcg per day
8100 mg per day60 mg per day20-30 mcg per day
9100 mg per day50 mg per day
10100 mg per day40 mg per day

#2: Winstrol Cycle For Lean Mass Gain:

To get the best outcome results from Winstrol stack with Testosterone + Winstrol, Winstrol + Dianabol / Clenbuterol or you can stack Winstrol + Anavar to gain lean muscle mass. Here are the following examples of stacking cycle dosage:

1 to 660mg/day30mg/day (Only 1 to 4 weeks)140mcg/day

The below cycle is widely popular among the female users. If you want to stack Winstrol + Clenbuterol + Anavar here is the cycle dosage, that you need to follow:

1 to 840-50 mg per day80 mcg per day20-30 mcg per day



We have tried to cover all the basic details that all beginners should know about the steroid cycle. We have also explained the best bodybuilding steroids for beginners. You should be careful while using steroids as it has several side effects and risks associated with them. But if you use steroids in smarter ways with a correct dosage cycle with protection and perform post-cycle therapy, you can have to face less or fewer side effects.

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