T6 180mg 60caps – Zion-Labs

$ 40

Thyroid hormones are essential for proper growth and development, multiplication and differentiation of all cells in the body, including the central nervous system and skeleton. To varying degrees, they regulate basal protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. However, their impact on cells is most pronounced in the utilization of energy-rich compounds. They also have a permissive effect on the action of other hormones and neurotransmitters.

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Cytomel is a synthetic thyroid hormone that only exists in tablet form. It is one of the most powerful thyroid hormones and its properties are strongly anabolic.

There are 2 types of synthetic thyroid hormones. There are two types of synthetic thyroid hormones: L-T4 and L-T3, such as Cytomel. Cytomel is by far the more potent of the two. Those who have tried it report that the results obtained with Cytomel are 4 to 5 times better than those of the L-T4 type. The mode of action of Cytomel is as follows: it increases the synthesis of proteins and thus produces a gain in muscle mass. Moreover Cytomel is an excellent fat burner: it accelerates the use of carbohydrates and the burning of fat by manufacturing more RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) by raising the basal metabolism. This property allows the bodybuilder to use Cytomel during the periods of preparations of competition in order to obtain a more striated musculature. Moreover Cytomel is so effective to burn fats that many bodybuilders allow themselves some dietary deviations during this period, knowing that Cytomel will destroy the surplus of absorbed calories. Finally it should be noted that Cytomel is preferably used in combination with other anabolic agents. It is indeed especially effective to multiply the action of steroids, but it does not cause real mass gain if used alone. Since Cytomel increases the user’s mass solely by protein synthesis, its use must always be accompanied by a particularly high-protein diet (even more so than with other products) in order to obtain better gains in muscle mass. It is rare that a substance causes so many desired effects simultaneously, which is why Cytomel is a very popular hormone in the bodybuilding world.

Because it is a thyroid hormone, Cytomel can cause thyroid activity to rest, in the same way that a testosterone cycle inhibits endogenous testosterone production. It is therefore advisable not to exceed the recommended doses. The effects of Cytomel are so exhilarating that many bodybuilders are tempted to use it on a prolonged basis or in very high doses. A cycle of Cytomel also causes various symptoms and side effects but bodybuilders, manage to mitigate or even eliminate these effects by lowering the dose a little.

Bodybuilders most often use Cytomel before a competition in combination with Clenbuterol, which is also a formidable “fat eater”. This stack gives excellent results in terms of fat burning and muscle stripping.

Bodybuilders should start at a low dose, then slowly increase. Wise users usually start at 25 mcg per day, then increase every 5 or 6 days by 25 mcg, to a maximum of 100 mcg per day, taken in 4 doses throughout the day. The dose should then be gradually reduced at the end of the cycle to avoid an abrupt interruption. The duration of a Cytomel cycle should not exceed 5 weeks. Before starting a new cycle of Cytomel, at least 8 weeks must pass to allow the thyroid to return to normal function.


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