We offer you the best way to pay for your order in just 10 minutes, wherever you are. RIA is similar to Moneygram or Western-Union. Pay in person, over the phone (unavailable during an 1er payment) or online by credit card (only in the United States). More information here

steroids order steps

1 – How to send money with RIA?

We offer you the best way to pay for your order in just 10 minutes, wherever you are.

In person

You can find a Ria agency easily near you:

  • Go to a RIA agency
  • The agent brings your data into the system
  • Your money will be transferred to us in 10 minutes

By phone

You just need to call RIA, your money transfer will be ready in just a few minutes.

(Note: this is only available if you already have a RIA account, and if you have already made a 1st payment before)


Available only for US citizens, this is the most convenient way to send money from your couch.

  • Pay by from your bank account or credit card
  • Sign up now and your first money transfer will be free *!

Please note, transaction costs are your responsibility. For example, if you have an order of $ 250, we must receive exactly that amount–otherwise we will not accept the transaction.

Please note that it is only available for mimimum orders of 120€ (120$)
If you are sending €, please ask that the beneficiary also receive €.
If you are sending $, please ask that the beneficiary also receive $.
If you pay in another currency than $ or € then please ask that the beneficiary receive in $.

Please use this page for the conversion.

2 – Send us the RIA payment confirmation

Fill the form to confirm your payment now. So we can process your payment and confirm your order, you must send us the RIA reference code you were given. This step is important and mandatory.

Please be careful and be sure to make no mistake or misspelling as it could delay the validation of your payment of several days.

    My First Name* :

    My LAST NAME* :

    My Country* :

    My email* :

    My order number* :

    Exact amount sent (without transfer fees)* :

    Payment mode* :
    Bitcoin, Paybis, Bitpanda...WesternUnionMoneyGramRIAZelle or VenmoBank WireWISE EURWISE USD

    Western-Union MTCN code* :

    Moneygram Beneficiary First Name* :

    Moneygram Beneficiary LAST NAME* :

    Moneygram Transaction Reference Number* :

    RIA Beneficiary First Name* :

    RIA Beneficiary LAST NAME* :

    RIA PIN number* :

    Zelle or Venmo Beneficiary First Name* :

    Zelle or Venmo Beneficiary LAST NAME* :

    Zelle or Venmo Transaction Reference Number* :

    Sending Bank*

    Transaction Reference Number*

    WISE EUR Transaction Reference Number* :

    WISE USD Transaction Reference Number* :

    Please send us photo or screenshot of payment receipt:

    Please fill the text below: captcha

    3 – Validation and shipping of your order


    Once payment is received, we will ship your order within 72 hours. We will provide you with tracking numbers to follow the shipping of your order. For any questions, please contact our customer service department, who will be happy to answer all your requests within 24 hours.