International Bank Transfer

International banking wire transfer to our bank

An international bank transfer to our account in is a safe way to pay for your order.

There is no minimum or maximum amount and the funds shall generally be transferred in 4 to 6 days.

You can make a bank transfer from the website of your bank, but it is usually more convenient to go directly to your bank to request the transfer.

The international transfer fees between banks are at your own charge, we need to receive the exact order amount. We also add +10% fees upfront.

Payment information to make the wire are given after your order (on the order confirmation page and by email).

Important: please NEVER specify or the products you buy here.

steroids order steps

Confirm my bank wire

Once you sent the payment, please confirm your payment form below:

    My First Name* :

    My LAST NAME* :

    My Country* :

    My email* :

    My order number* :

    Exact amount sent (without transfer fees)* :

    Payment mode* :
    Bitcoin, Paybis, Bitpanda...WesternUnionMoneyGramRIAZelle or VenmoBank WireWISE EURWISE USD

    Western-Union MTCN code* :

    Moneygram Beneficiary First Name* :

    Moneygram Beneficiary LAST NAME* :

    Moneygram Transaction Reference Number* :

    RIA Beneficiary First Name* :

    RIA Beneficiary LAST NAME* :

    RIA PIN number* :

    Zelle or Venmo Beneficiary First Name* :

    Zelle or Venmo Beneficiary LAST NAME* :

    Zelle or Venmo Transaction Reference Number* :

    Sending Bank*

    Transaction Reference Number*

    WISE EUR Transaction Reference Number* :

    WISE USD Transaction Reference Number* :

    Please send us photo or screenshot of payment receipt:

    Please fill the text below: captcha

    After reception of the form above, your payment will be validated within 48 to 72 hours.

    You have a problem? You would like noticed an error in your payment? Any question ? No worries, please contact us and we will answer you in less than 24 hours (worked).