Halotestin 10 mg/100 tabletas – Beligas(mundo)
Halotestin es utilizado principalmente por atletas que buscan desarrollar fuerza en lugar de músculo. Los levantadores de pesas y los especialistas en pesas, que deben mantenerse dentro de una determinada categoría de peso, suelen utilizar Halotestin.
Dyanbol Lite (dbol 10 mg) - 100 tabletas - Beligas Pharmaceuticals
Dianabol es un esteroide anabólico muy popular en varios deportes, incluido el culturismo. Los atletas lo utilizan para aumentar la masa corporal y mejorar la fuerza y el rendimiento deportivo.
Tirzepatida 10 mg – Beligas
Libere su potencial con nuestros péptidos de grado farmacéutico. Nuestros productos están científicamente formulados para optimizar el crecimiento muscular, mejorar el rendimiento deportivo y aumentar la fuerza.
Semaglutida 5 mg – Beligas(mundo)
Semaglutide belongs to the group of GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide 1) analogues. This group of substances has the ability to mimic the body’s response after a meal, notably the sensation of…
HP Pro Winstrol (50 mg) – Beligas (mundo)
El estanozolol oral es bien conocido y muy apreciado en el campo del culturismo por adquirir músculos magros de calidad.
Belttropin HGH 12mg/ml-36IU EZPEN – Beligas(mundo)
Comprar Belttropin HGH 12 mg/ml-36 UI EZPEN – Beligas Pharmaceuticals
Pro-Dostinex – Cabergolina 1mg 10tabs – Beligas(mundo)
Cabergolin is a compound which reduces prolactin levels. It acts on dopamine receptors, reducing prolactin levels. Taking Cabergolin enables athletes to protect themselves against the unpleasant side effects caused by…
Dostinex-Lite 0.5mg – Beligas Pharmaceuticals
Cabergolin is a Prolactin Inhibitor. The drug inhibits the secretion of prolactin, in addition increases libido and erection, significantly reduces the recovery time between sexual acts, and lowers blood pressure….
Apto Turinabol 10mg 100tabs – Beligas Pharmaceuticals
Turinabol tiene un "esqueleto" casi idéntico al Dianabol. Este producto proporciona los mismos efectos sin retención de agua. Este es el producto definitivo para un volumen de calidad.
Acro Trestolone (ment) (50 mg 100 tabletas) – Beligas Pharmaceuticals
Trestolona es un esteroide androgénico/anabólico experimental y una progestina.
Pro Anadrol 50 mg 100 tabletas Beligas Pharmaceuticals
Oxymetholone works by increasing the muscular mass, helps in gaining weight and strength, enhances the red blood cells count. It has the property to lubricate the joints and allow the…
Creto Proviron 20mg 100tabs – Beligas Pharmaceuticals
Proviron is an incredibly effective enhancer of testosterone and other steroids. It has an undeniable advantage in cutting cycles because of its effectiveness in antagonizing the aromatase enzyme, thereby disrupting…
B- Tren-Test-Mast-Long(300mg) – Beligas(mundo)
Comprar B- Tren-Test-Mast-Long(300mg) – Beligas(mundo)
Acetato de metenolona (Primo A, oral) – Beligas (mundo)
Los efectos de Primobolan son: efecto anabólico moderado, sequedad y ganancia de masa muscular magra pero de calidad. Un excelente producto para quemar grasa y hacer musculación magra.
T4 100 mcg/100 tabletas – Beligas
Las hormonas tiroideas actúan sobre todos los tejidos, ayudando a regular numerosas reacciones metabólicas.
Pro Clenbuterol 40mcg 100tabs – Beligas Pharmaceuticals
Clenbuterol produces a strong fat-burning effect. It burns fat without any dieting. Among professionals Clen is very popular in preparation for a competition. Especially intense fat burning occurs when combined with…
Iso Accutane (20 mg) – 100 comprimidos – Beligas Pharmaceuticals
Accutane is a potent retinoid. The latter refers to a derivative of vitamin A. It has as active substance – Isotretinoin – known as retinoic acid and has the form…
Pack Pérdida de Peso Oral - Beligas Pharma - Winstrol (6 semanas)
Un ciclo ideal de 6 semanas para bajar de peso con esteroides orales Winstrol.
Anavar pro (50 mg) – Beligas (mundo)
Oxandrolone is one of those mild steroids that provide strength and dryness with very few androgenic side effects. These qualities have made Oxandrolone the darling of female bodybuilders and fitness…
Belttropin HGH 12 mg/ml-36 UI EZPEN – Beligas Pharmaceuticals
Growth hormone is specifically designed for active users who want to increase their physical performance. It stimulates growth, cell reproduction and Regeneration in humans. HGH effects on the body highly…
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