TESTOMED E 250(テストステロンエナント酸)– 1mlの10アンペア– DEUS-MEDICAL
Testosterone enanthate is an ester that is widely used in bodybuilding and powerlifting. It is one of the most popular drugs for gaining muscle mass, and is characterized by long-term…
TB 500 – 2 mg/バイアル – DEUS-MEDICAL
Ideal peptide for cell regeneration, TB-500 peptide by Deus Medical is also known as thymosin beta 4. It plays an important role in the protection, regeneration, and remodeling of injured…
DECAMED PP 100(Nandrolone Phenylpropionate)– 10アンペアの1ml –DEUS-MEDICAL
BPC 157 – 5 mg/バイアル – DEUS-MEDICAL
BPC 157, body protective compound 157, is a synthetic peptide blend. The injection offers regenerative effects on its users. As is the case with all peptides, BPC 157 is comprised…
ヘキサレリン – 2 mg/バイアル – DEUS-MEDICAL
Hexarelin works to enhance this natural GH production in two different ways. First, the peptide amplifies the natural growth hormone releasing signal. This results in a greater secretion of GH…
PT-141 – 10 mg/バイアル – DEUS-MEDICAL
PT-141 is also known as Bremelanotide and is most known for its ability to treat sexual dysfunction in men and women. It is a derivative of Melanotan 2. It’s a…
ANADROMED 50(オキシメトロン)– 50mgの50タブ–DEUS-MEDICAL
CJC-1295 DAC – 2 mg/バイアル – DEUS-MEDICAL
Ideal peptide for lean mass, CJC-1295 DAC can be combined easily with other peptides. The only difference between the CJC-1295 and the CJC-1295 DAC is their half-life. CJC-1295 has a…
メラノタン II – 10 mg/バイアル – DEUS-MEDICAL
Ideal peptide for tanning and libido, Melanotan 2 peptide by Deus Medical is a peptide that allows users to get a tanned appearance of the skin without exposure to potentially…
SUSTAMED 250(Test Phen 60 + Test D 100 + Test I 60 + Test Prop 30)– 10amps of 1ml – DEUS-MEDICAL
Sustanon 250 provokes a strong increase in the mass of muscles, gives an athlete additional power as well. Sustanon 250 contains four components that increase the strength of testosterone. Each one…
DIANAMED SUSPENSION 100(メタンジエノンウォーターサスペンション)– 10アンペアの1ml –DEUS-MEDICAL
AROMAMED 25(エキセメスタン)– 25mgの25タブ–DEUS-MEDICAL
提供された25(メステロロン)– 25mgの50タブ–DEUS-MEDICAL
プロビロンは、テストステロンやその他のステロイドの非常に効果的な増強剤です。アロマターゼ酵素に拮抗して阻害する効果があるため、カッティング サイクルでは紛れもない利点があります。
DECAMED 250(ナンドロロンデカノエート)– 10アンペアの1ml –DEUS-MEDICAL
EQUIMED 250(ボルデノンウンデシレン酸塩)– 10アンペアの1ml –DEUS-MEDICAL
S23 10 – SARMs 50tabs of 10mg – DEUS-MEDICAL
選択的アンドロゲン受容体モジュレーターとして広く知られる SARM は、新世代のパフォーマンス向上剤です。その効果はアナボリックステロイドと似ていますが…
EVIMED 60(ラロキシフェンHCL)– 60mgの50タブ–DEUS-MEDICAL
EVIMED 60(Raloxifene HCL)は、選択的エストロゲン受容体モジュレーター(SERM)として知られる薬剤のクラスに属しています。
Supermed 10(メチルドロスタノロン)– 10mgの50タブ– DEUS-MEDICAL
HGH フラグメント 176-191 – 5 mg/バイアル – DEUS-MEDICAL
An ideal peptide for weight loss, HGH Frag(176-191) 5mg – 1 vial – Deus Medical is a modified form of the amino acid branch 176-191 of human growth hormone (GH)…
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